A Werewolf Curse

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SpellsLove  ► Body  ► A Werewolf Curse
Werewolf spells aren't real. You must use a curse, I will test this on myself.

Casting Instructions for 'A Werewolf Curse'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • A wand
  • Another wizard
  • 1 red and 1 white candle
  • Salt
  • Dead rose petals
  • Match
  • Belief
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • A wand
  • Another wizard
  • 1 red and 1 white candle
  • Salt
  • Dead rose petals
  • Match
  • Belief
Sit down and have your friend sprinkle dead rose petals around you. Put salt on each side of you where your going to put the candles, and place the white candle on the salt on the left side. Do the same thing with the red candle but on the right side. Have your friend light the candles with a match white one first. Then have your friend point the wand at your heart: Moon, moon, symbol of the wolf, I take the curse of the werewolf and give it to (your name). (He/she) will turn every full moon for the rest of (him/her) life. I place this curse on (your name)! Then have your friend blow out the candles red one first. I am testing this tonight with my friend, anyway I will edit this when I do. Mail me results and side effects :)


Added to on Sep 13, 2013
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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Did It work

Jan 28, 2019
No it would not. You are human and cannot transform into anything else. If you wish to use the symbolism of the werewolf in your craft and call on it for strength in your spellwork that's one thing, but magick cannot make you a werewolf, sorry.

Even a curse will not make you physically transform. You could call on astral werewolves or use their symbolism in a spell to curse an enemy, but they will not become a werewolf.

We're not in the world of Harry Potter

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