Werewolf/Lycanthrope/Loup-garou spell

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SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Werewolf/Lycanthrope/Loup-garou spell
A Werewolf/Lycanthrope/Loup-garou spell. You HAVE to believe in yourself and in magic for it to work. It is NOT like in the movies obviously though. But you will have a better sense of smell,sight and hearing.

Casting Instructions for 'Werewolf/Lycanthrope/Loup-garou spell'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Paper.
  • Pen/marker/pencil.
  • Strand of hair.
  • Scissor to cut it with.
  • Something such as a razor or knife or something sharp to cut yourself.
  • Your blood.
  • Full moon (works better).
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Paper.
  • Pen/marker/pencil.
  • Strand of hair.
  • Scissor to cut it with.
  • Something such as a razor or knife or something sharp to cut yourself.
  • Your blood.
  • Full moon (works better).
Get a paper and pen and write:
Fur colour: (add colour)
Eye colour: (add colour)
Cut a strand of hair and cut yourself,add some blood with the strand of hair,put them both on the paper,then chant:

''By the light of the Moon and our piercing howls,we are further transformed into cunning beasts. From the circle of life,to the evolution of men,I shall be reawakened as one with the land''

''Goddess,Goddess of the night,stalking hunting out of sight,please lend me your robe of furs and the teeth sharp as daggers.
Goddess,Goddess of the night,eyes of gold and teeth of white''

(Chant these two as many times as needed)

(Then finish it with these four words)


Burn the paper with the strand of hair and the blood completely,then throw the ashes outside. It must be full moon to work better,but you can try with any moon.
Go to sleep afterwards and it should start to work.
If not wait a few days or even weeks.
If it still doesn't work then keep doing it every month on full moon.
You NEED to believe in it to work,otherwise it won't.

Side effects: headaches,other body pains,anger,being really hot like burning,eye colour change,sharper teeth,better sense of smell/hearing/sight,wanting to be outside more such as in the woods/forest/or park,sharper nails,you may get more hairier than before,you may heal faster,etc.

If you are experiencing anything like this then it is more than likely that the spell worked.
Any other side effects message me.

Blessed be.


Added to on Sep 15, 2013
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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You cannot physically transform, belief does not overpower reality.

Mar 19, 2023
THIS IS NOT A SHAPE SHIFTER SPELL. PLEASE READ THE SPELL BEFORE COMMENTING. THANK YOU. This spell is to help you more so connect with your inner wolf, you will have a better sense of smell, better sight, wolf instincts, etc. It will not transform you into a wolf itself, that would be shape shifting. Which this spell IS NOT.

Mar 19, 2023
Excessive use of capslock is against site rules [as is roleplaying because this spell is giving the impression it will cause physical transformation] also, it's been a while since I studied loup-garou, but they transform by wearing a magical wolf pelt which is past down through the family. No spell or bite from another werewolf required.

Mar 19, 2023
Describing your spell, you claim it will heighten sense, which Real Magik cannot do. As for the spell itself, nowhere did you claim this was mental shifting. You encouraged people to design their dream wolf fursona then say a chant which includes the line ''we are further transformed into cunning beasts.'' You go on to include changing eye colour and teeth. At the bottom, you claim it should work overnight but might take a few days then list a plethora of side effects which would not happen if this was meant to be mental shifting. This spell is fake, you cannot physically transform with Real Magik. This includes eye colour and better senses.

Apr 07, 2023
Stop commenting on my spells. You are NOT welcome on MY page.

Apr 12, 2023
You can't ban someone from commenting on a public forum if there is no rule violation [spamming comments, harassment comments, using banned language, excessive use of all caps. These are rules only you seem to have violated] You simply ignore and/or block the person if they're mailing you. If they're mailing you or harassing you on other parts of the site, report them to a mod. If your ''go away'' is directed at me, I'm not harassing you [I think this is the second time I've commented on one of your spells, but don't quote me because I genuinely don't remember you] I tend to keep an eye on the comments section for questions or inappropriate comments. So, I assure you, I'm not after you. If this is a threat to Tadashi, he treats everyone equally. He worked through the fantasy spells 4 years ago [his comment was from 2019] so he probably just comment on a random spell without checking the user.

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