Unlock the Power of Your Eyes

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SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Unlock the Power of Your Eyes
Removes the energy in your eyes that is preventing them from being able to cast spells visually.

Casting Instructions for 'Unlock the Power of Your Eyes'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • None
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • None

Close your eyes. Concentrate your energy on them... you should be able to feel something blocking your energy from reaching your eyes. That is called (or what I like to call it) an optical energy block. These occur normally; your eyes are not originally intended for the purpose of spell casting.

Concentrate on the energy block; you should feel some resistance. If it does not feel right, withdraw your energy from your eyes and try again after resting. When you feel the resistance coming from the energy block, will it to undo... you should feel less and less resistance coming from it. When you feel no resistance at all, concentrate with all your might on your energy going into your eyes. If you don't do this right away, the block will form again and all your work will be lost.

Once you feel a strong current of energy going to your eyes, the block should never give you trouble again. If you successfully made it to this point: congratulations! You now have the ability to cast enhanced spells with your eyes. But be warned: If you use this ability for evil/to hurt someone or for selfish needs (such as gambling or betting or cheating), a permanent optical energy block will form, cutting off all controlled energy to your eyes forever, making them revert to their normal abilities.


Added to on Sep 23, 2013
Last edited on May 07, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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I am wearing glasses, can I use this spell then?

This might help some with energy blocks, but you do not see energy with your physicals eyes. Coupled with the warning at the bottom, I am lead to believe this is fake, but try it and see if it helps you.

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