Protect Someone From Accidents

SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Protect Someone From Accidents
With this spell you can protect someone you want even yourself from physical accidents depending on your experience, knowledge and belief in magic.

Casting Instructions for 'Protect Someone From Accidents'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Rosary (Optional but it will make the spell more powerful)
  • Your lucky charm (Optional)
  • The person/people you want to protect
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Rosary (Optional but it will make the spell more powerful)
  • Your lucky charm (Optional)
  • The person/people you want to protect

First wear your lucky charm if you want or/and rosary placed in your right hand. Then choose someone and stare the person you want to protect and close your hand like you are praying

"I'm calling you god with all my might
Give me/him/her/them protection of holy light
To this person/people i will pass the spell
Make me/him/her/them away from creatures of hell"

After you chant this make the top of your closed hand where your fingers are there is touched to your chest but the lower part is not like making a isosceles without the lower part and quickly release your hand like passing it to that person.

Repeat this chant several times if you want because it will make the spell more powerful


Added to on Oct 24, 2013
Last edited on May 04, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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A charm like this can protect you, but it will not make you invincible. You will get hurt in life, it does not mean the spell does not work, it is just a part of life.

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