Astral Projection Control

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SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Astral Projection Control
Learn to Control being in Astral Form
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Being Psychic or
  • Regular Person

Casting Instructions for 'Astral Projection Control'

Visual Exercise : (Astral Projection)


Section One : Interstellar Travel

Step 1:
I want you to get comfortable and relax.

Step 2:
Then close your eyes and see your visual body standing in front of your physical body and see your visual body transforming into the light being.

Step 3:
Then prepare your visual body for interstellar travel.

Step 4:
Then hold out your right hand and project a porthole just in front of your visual body like you did in the section on light energy portholes.

Step 5:
Next focus your mind on travelling to the destination at the top.

Step 6:
Then see your visual body walking into the porthole.

Step 7:
Then see the porthole opening at the destination and see your visual body walking out of the porthole.

Step 8:
Then hold out your hand again and draw the porthole back into your hand like you did in the section on light energy portholes.

Step 9:
Then look around and take notes on what you see on the surface of that planet while you are there.


Section Two : Planetary Detection Rapid

Step 1:
Now I want you to construct a illusional energy rapid around the centre of your visual body.

Step 2:
Then telepathically instruct the detection ring to expand out and seek out any planets or moons in that solar system or star system.

Step 3:
As the interstellar detection rapid expands telepathically instruct the energy rapid to make an energy wave if it hits an planetary object as it expands out.

Step 4:
Now if the energy rapid activates a wave teleport your visual body out to the point were the energy wave happened in that solar system or star system and see if there is a planet or moon in that area. If there is a planet or moon make a note of it for mapping when you return to earth.

Step 5:
When you have finished mapping that solar system or star system draw the energy ring back into your hands in the usual way.

Step 6:
Then teleport your visual body back to earth in front of your physical body and see your visual body returning to normal. Then open your eyes and write down all of your findings.

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Last edited on Sep 27, 2015
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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There is some useful information, but a lot of misinformation. Relax, meditate, you could visualize any number of things to have your astral leave your physical, but it is not a visualization, it is spiritual. To travel to other areas, some might need to imagine the place before traveling, but the majority of the time, you either appear there if you set your intention before sitting down to project, or once you do, tell yourself where you wish to be will teleport you there.

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