Sleep One

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SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Sleep One
This is a spell to be done just before you go to bed.

Casting Instructions for 'Sleep One'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Lavender or lavender oil
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Lavender or lavender oil

At your ritual space, or under the night sky, charge the candle with your intention of restful sleep and dress the candle with the oil. (Rub oil on your temples for added relaxation). Take a deep breath and lift your gaze at the beauty of the night sky. Note how peaceful the sky is.

Raise your arms in honor and call to the goddess of Night and the god of dreams and sleep:

"Beauteous goddess, Eternal One of starry heaven, glorious lady,
you who beholds the hours when sleep is due and dreams take wing.
Hold me in your warm embrace as I journey through the veil of dreams.
Grant me a deep and peaceful sleep that I may dream of the worlds unseen."

"Magnificent god, glorious and powerful lord of the gates of dreams,
Handsome winged lord that gives dreams to mankind.
Lord and lady I ask this of thee Help me sleep,
help me sleep well, help me rest, undisturbed.
Ward away dreams from my mind
And if they should come my way,
turn them into dreams of fun, light and fancy.
I have lost far too many hours of sleep.
No more! No more. good dreams now be mine!
Please help me, my lord, my lady."

Put your hands around the candle, a hand on either side. Imagine rays of light radiating out of the candle, threading through your finger and up your body, rooting you firmly to the ground. But at the same time, imagine your mind becoming free from your body, drifting off and leaving your body.

Closing your eyes, recite these words ten times.

"Sleep free me,
Dreams take me,
Dull my senses,
Let me sleep,
All night long."

Blow out the candle and allow your breath to guide you into a deep and restful sleep.


Added to on Dec 18, 2013
Last edited on May 09, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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I would not use a candle if you wish to sleep. Use the lavender, anoint yourself if it is safe, but meditate and ground your energy instead of charging the candle. A relaxing evening routine would also help.

Apr 02, 2022
Another option would be to include an act of snuffing the candle before laying down, so the ember-smoke that comes for a minute or two after it is snuffed can e treated as a sort of incense.

Apr 02, 2022
Erp, correction. Apparently this spell already concludes with snuffing the candle. That's what I get for cruising discussions and articles right before sleep.

*Lifts foot, inserts into mouth*

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