Fang Spell

SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Fang Spell
I made a spell to gain the fangs of any animal you choose.

Casting Instructions for 'Fang Spell'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Tooth of the animal
  • Bowl of water
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Tooth of the animal
  • Bowl of water
Okay, this is a spell that I hope will work: get a bowl of water, and a tooth from any animal you wish to receive teeth of. I have a boars tooth necklace, so I will use this as an example. At night time, put the bowl of water in front of you inside the circle. Get into a comfortable mindset, and think of the reasons you wish for fangs. Imagine what you shall look like with these fangs, and dwell on it for a while. Finally, when you have the thought in your head, say this while looking into the water: ''Mother of darkness, sisters of the night, I wish to receive your gift, of ivory light The teeth of a boar, strong and sharp, may my body bare its fangs in the dark. By morning sun, they shall subside, When mother returns, they shall gleam in moonlight Hecate, mother of the moon and stars, grant me my wish To bare fangs of a boar is my whispered dream So Mote it Be'' I hope this helps!


Added to on Dec 29, 2013
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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is this real and will it actually work, please be honest.

Nov 12, 2019
If any tutorial starts out by saying ''I hope this will work'', assume it won't and move on.

Additionally, magick will not help you grow fangs. Fangs are cosmetic. Humans have no need for fangs, that's why we are not born with them. Some people may have more pointed canines than others (properly called eye teeth if they are located on the upper jaw, as they are located just under the eyes), but this does not insinuate the person is inhuman in nature.

If you want fangs, Party City or any costume store has some for cheap.

You cannot grow animal fangs.

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