
SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Immortality
A spell thats a mix of voodoo and witchcraft. In this spell will give a 100 or more years to your life.

Casting Instructions for 'Immortality'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Knife
  • Your hair
  • Fire( candle)
  • A symbol like a pentagram
  • Blessed cup
  • Water
  • Salt
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Knife
  • Your hair
  • Fire( candle)
  • A symbol like a pentagram
  • Blessed cup
  • Water
  • Salt

Draw the symbol first, pour the water in the cup. Light or start the fire, place the candle in the middle of the symbol. Put salt at each corner of the symbol. Say the spell, then burn your hair. Pour the wax on the knife and find your druid tree and use the knife to write your name in the tree and say the binding chant three times.

"I call for years of (#) to my life. I ask,I give this to the fire strength,speed, and abilitys come throw the air in me grow from night and light."

Binding chant: "You are one,I am one, we are one"


Added to on Jan 02, 2014
Last edited on May 26, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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You cannot become immortal.

Immortality spells are just extremely powerful protection spells that protect you from various dangers that appear out of nowhere. However, as outlined above you cannot become immortal(stay alive for 1000 years,etc)

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