
SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Disguise
You will not turn invisible, sorry but that's impossible. This spell will help you go unnoticed or over looked by people.

Casting Instructions for 'Disguise'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Nothing
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Nothing

Think of what is to your power-side of you, and what is behind you (helps if its a solid surface, just something that's not alive.) observe it, color, texture ect. Then close your eyes, clear your mind, shut down all senses(basically meditate). When this is done chant silently (in your mind):

"I am the *insert at least 2 adjectives about the object beside you** say what it is* beside me"

Imagine melting into the *something* (don't open your eyes) then say:"I am the *adj*,*adj*,*something* behind me"


Added to on Feb 12, 2014
Last edited on May 27, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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I feel there are better spells. Ground your energy and try it for yourself.

Mar 07, 2022
What spells work better?

Mar 07, 2022
I do not have a list off the top of my head, but the one I use is an energy technique. I ground my energy, calm my breathing, and visualize myself turning invisible. If you are looking for a spell to make an object invisible, I have a spell I use my my Book of Shadows, but I do not share that one for obvious reasons.

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