Nail of Anger

SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Nail of Anger
Have you got anger problems? Can't control your anger? This relevantly old spell can solve your problem?

Casting Instructions for 'Nail of Anger'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Hammer
  • Plenty of small or medium sized
  • nails
  • A 4-5cm thick wooden plank
  • Outside
  • Hardware gloves
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Hammer
  • Plenty of small or medium sized
  • nails
  • A 4-5cm thick wooden plank
  • Outside
  • Hardware gloves
Place your wooden plank on the ground and secure its firmly using dirt dirt.

Next place you left hand on the plank and your right hand facing straight ahead then recite this ''I ask the earth to swallow my anger and set me free, this is my plea so mote it be!''

Now whenever you areangry take a nail and hammer it inside the plank do this for a week. At the end of the week wear your hardware gloves and take out all the nails using only your hands. You can do this for as long as you wish or until your anger starts getting undercontrol. Note: you must take all the nails out before you can hammer anymore in.

After you are done take your wooden plank and barry it in the dirt and do the same with nails. At the end thank the earth.


Added to on Mar 11, 2014
Last edited on Feb 25, 2018
Part of the Magical Knights Library.


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This can be altered and become a curse rather easily. While this might help, I would also work on discovering the root cause of your anger and ways to express it in a healthy manner.

I Am New Here. I Don't Have Any Idea Of Magic Before. Pls Will This Spell Work?

Jul 12, 2021
Charge each nail with your anger, then say the chant as you nail them into the board, this should act as a seal to repress your angry emotions. I wouldn't try taking them out as it would undo the binding. Instead, I would do shadow work to come to terms with your anger. Try it and see if ti works for you.

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