Bear Spell

SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Bear Spell
Turns you into a bear but very painful more painful than the werewolf.

Casting Instructions for 'Bear Spell'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Concentration
  • Alone
  • Some kind in the woods or forest a park is okay but u need to be alone
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Concentration
  • Alone
  • Some kind in the woods or forest a park is okay but u need to be alone
Before I tell u here are the side effects: a lot stronger can take more punches and kicks etc. also can dodge attacks more now the spell

Say this once

Chant or say ''gods and goddesses of holiness make me a bear make my fur color _____ make my personality _______ make my element ________ so mote it be''

Remember it's painful than the werewolf so make second thought I made this for experienced ones only ok good luck and happy transformation :)


Added to on Mar 15, 2014
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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You cannot physically transform into a bear.

I agree with Tadashi. This is impossible. If you want to mentally shift or astral-shift, or simply call upon the powers of a bear (mental powers, not actual claws and stuff) then this could work. But actually, physically shifting? Impossible.

This is something I wish people would understand, As MoonFury said, you can shift on other planes of existence. You could connect with a bear spiritually, you could transform your astral being into that of a bear, you could do a guided meditation where you spiritually become a bear in your mind and you gain wisdom from that experience. Physically, magick doesn't contradict nature, so physically transforming into a bear will never happen. Sadly, people are so fixated on physically becoming a bear [or werewolf, or vampire, or whatever] they refuse to see the alternative. They refuse to move past their desired goal to shift it to something that is possible. You can try all the spells that claim you can, but if you shift your focus to things that are possible, you could grow and gain so much more on your path. It would be so cool if you could become a bear [believe me, I have a deep connection to bears and if I could physically transform into one, I would] but the reality is, you can't become one, you can learn from the spirit, use it symbolically in your path, or become one on another plane.

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