Make Your Own Spell

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SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Make Your Own Spell
Basics of spells.

Casting Instructions for 'Make Your Own Spell'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • None
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • None

All this is a few things to help you cast:

I just recently learned that spells are like recipe books you take what you know from the spell and add what you want whether its just a change of words or technique or ingredients. With ingredients you don't really need handles or anything they just help. If you mess up on certain incantations and it doesn't matter it just helps bring the spirit if done right.


Added to on Mar 17, 2014
Last edited on Jun 11, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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This is not a spell, but they make a point. Spells are like recipes. You can follow one someone made, make your own, or alter one already made. Research the items to ensure they all work towards your goal and be sure to charge energy as you cast. If you stumble on words or do not have a specific item, it is usually fine. However, claiming it does not matter is not true. It does matter you get the right ingredient, it does matter you focus and preform it correctly. If you stumble over some words, do not memorize the chant, or stop to check your place is fine, but you need to keep going until you hit that state of presence where your focus is completely on the spell. Stumble over a word in a chant? finish the chant and say it again. And again. And again. That is a chant. Repeating a phrase until you fall into a trance. It does not matter if you miss a line or stumble on pronunciation, your intention is there. The ingredients matter because you are calling on the energy in the items to enhance your spell. Using items that do not work in your spell can make the energy murky and weaken your Magik. You do not need items or words for a spell to work, but it helps because the casting would rely completely on your ability to charge energy and focus your intention.

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