Shape Shifting

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SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Shape Shifting
Use this spell to turn into an animal.

Casting Instructions for 'Shape Shifting'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • None
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • None

To begin it is best to start with something simple like a ball or a rose or a small object. This technique will take work over time and will undoubtedly become part of your magical way of life. Be happy with any advancements you gain as you go.

Breathe deeply and evenly, charge, and slip into a light trance. Let your thoughts slow. Let your consciousness sink into your center (solar plexus). Don't just feel centered, be in your center looking out. Move your center into the subjects center (The object chosen by you for this work). Expand your awareness and open up to what it sees, thinks, feels. See what the item was like and what it was subjected to in the past and perhaps what it will yet be. When you are done bring your center back and expand your awareness again so that you reside totally in your body.

Next try shape shifting into an animal, a pet would be perfect for this. See through the animals eyes and hear through its ears. Try out the animal's power of scent. Feel its breathing, heart rate, and through this find its essence and spirit. In advanced spell working with this technique you could empower your pet and give it instructions like "protect this space from ill energies".

When shape shifting your center back to yourself it is good to drain off the excess energy by grounding. If you find yourself driven by unwanted impulses after a connection consciously put up a wall against the last connection you made. For this simply visualize the energy that connects you to the subject you used as a tube and then wall that tube shut till you decide to open it again. This is especially necessary if you ever shape shift into an adversary.

Shape shifting into another human is the next task. Get an idea of who they are and how they think and feel. Read their future or past by shape shifting their energy time-line. This is a good way to cast a spell,work magic, on them or to start a thought in them. Quite simply; what you think while you are there, by the art of magic and transference, they think of. Try to use this if you have an interview and have met the boss before the process.


Added to on Apr 04, 2014
Last edited on Jun 18, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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I'm exited to try!

Mar 26, 2020
Good luck to you, post any results.

Nov 20, 2020
Neko: That's rude!

Nov 20, 2020
How was that rude? I wished the person luck and asked to keep us informed if anything happened.

You cannot physically shapeshift.

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