6 Elements Invoking

SpellsLove  ► Body  ► 6 Elements Invoking
Invoke 6 elements to temporarily increase physical condition.

Casting Instructions for '6 Elements Invoking'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Hands.
  • Voice.
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Hands.
  • Voice.
Form your hands into 6 shapes which remind you of fire, earth, light, darkness, water, and wind while saying ''pyro, geo, photo, umbra, hydro, aero''. Then chant ''I call upon the elements to aid me within my endeavor so mote it be! I thank thee. This spell can be cast in just seconds. After using it for a few days you can skip the second chant. After a few more days you can just make the hand signs wordlessly. Hope this works for you because I originally developed it for my gym class.


Added to on Apr 04, 2014
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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This needs an edit. While some call on elements such as wood, metal, chaos, aether, plasma and spirit. Light and darkness are not traditional elements. I believe it might be called on in Greek witchcraft, but I doubt this is genuine. I feel it is a rough draft someone wrote for fun. Try it and see for yourself if you are interested, it might work for some.

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