Tiger Transformation

SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Tiger Transformation
To turn into a tiger.

Casting Instructions for 'Tiger Transformation'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • 1 Picture of the tiger you want to be (One off the internet is fine)
  • 1 Picture of you
  • 1 item that relates to a tiger
  • 1 item that relates to a human
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • 1 Picture of the tiger you want to be (One off the internet is fine)
  • 1 Picture of you
  • 1 item that relates to a tiger
  • 1 item that relates to a human

To turn into a tiger you must follow these steps:

Take the picture of the tiger and place it beside you. Hold the item that relates to a tiger in your hand while you recite the spell. On verse one, in the blank you must say your name. On verse three in the blanks you must describe your animal (example: Loving,Furry, Purring). On verse four in the blank you must say what animal you want to be

"My name is _____ and I will be,
The animal I was always meant to be.
The ____, ___, and ___ creature,
Known as a tiger."

To turn back into a human again remove the photo from from your side. Don't hold the item in your hand anymore. Place item related to human by your side. Think this in your head:

"My name is _____ and I will be,
The wonderful woman/man I used to be,
With only two hands and only two feet."


Added to on Jun 21, 2014
Last edited on Jun 27, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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You cannot physically transform into a tiger.

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