Dog (Shapeshifter) Transformation

SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Dog (Shapeshifter) Transformation
Marked as White Magic and Homemade.

For any gender and over 15's.

Casting Instructions for 'Dog (Shapeshifter) Transformation'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Gemstone
  • Fur (Any real animal fur)
  • Anything to represent a collar
  • Cup of Water
  • Picture/Drawing of the dog you want to be
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Gemstone
  • Fur (Any real animal fur)
  • Anything to represent a collar
  • Cup of Water
  • Picture/Drawing of the dog you want to be
First get your cup of water.

Put the gemstone, the fur (long haired only) and your hair into the water. (Don't ask. Just thought I would add this in .w.)

Then have the picture beside you and then say 3x's this chant

''Shiny nose, pink tounge and bright eyes, I wish to be a dog shapeshifter. Specifically a (Breed of dog). I will have (Breeds colour type), my eyes will be the colour of this gemstone and I may turn at will. So mote it be.''

Then drink the water with the fur in it and put the human hair in the bin. Take the gemstone out and wear it with your collar for at least 4 hours (Don't take it off during this)


-This will be alot like the neko spell with the hours except it will be for 4 hours. Not two.

-The gemstone will be your eye colour so try and wear it with your makeshift collar for the 4 hours.

-The protection collar does work as this spell is alot similar to the neko spell. Only it protects you from foods that might hurt dogs in any way.

(I will put side effects in a different spell sheet marked ''Dog spell side effects'')


Added to on Jul 10, 2014
Last edited on Apr 21, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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You cannot physically shapeshift.

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