Enhanced Speed & Strength

SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Enhanced Speed & Strength
Two differant spells. One enhances speed the other strength.

Casting Instructions for 'Enhanced Speed & Strength'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Water
  • A bowl
  • A bird feather (clean it)
  • Two drops of horse blood
  • Energy drink
  • Bone of a wolf (any small one)
  • Two drops of wolf blood
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Water
  • A bowl
  • A bird feather (clean it)
  • Two drops of horse blood
  • Energy drink
  • Bone of a wolf (any small one)
  • Two drops of wolf blood

Speed spell:
Stir the water around in the bowl with the feather while canting, "Spirits I ask of thee, increase my speed. I wish to run fast. Faster than most. Will this be." Drop the blood in "Blood of a horse, majestic, strong, and fast. Spirits, I ask of thee to give me the speed of this great stallion. Let me run fast as the wind. Faster if needed. I need this spell for (tell thespirits why you need it) hear my plea. Will this be." Drink the mix. After 24 hours you will be faster.

Strength spell:
Mix the energy drink and water in the bowl. Stir with the bone. Chanting. " Energy and strength is what I need, spirits, with this wolves bone, I absorb his strength. I wish to be stronger because (tell them why)." Add the blood. "Blood of a might wolf, fierce, clever, and strong. With this blood, I absorb his mighty strength to better myself. Hear my plea spirits and will this be" Drink the mix. In 24 hours you will be stronger.


Added to on Jul 25, 2014
Last edited on Jul 11, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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This will not give increase your speed and strength. Saying a chant before exercising can charge the energy around you to help speed results, but drinking a drop of horse blood will not.

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