Smaller or Bigger Senses

SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Smaller or Bigger Senses
A little smaller or bigger for your senses? Try this!

Casting Instructions for 'Smaller or Bigger Senses'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • 3-5 Brown Candles
  • Voice and Belief
  • Alone time
  • Night time
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • 3-5 Brown Candles
  • Voice and Belief
  • Alone time
  • Night time
• Sit down cross-legged alone and circling the candles around you and light them!
• Say while visualise your senses is changing :
''Goddess of (Sense), I call thee. Make my (Sense) bigger/smaller! They/It will be bigger/smaller! As It what I want! Thanks I give to you! So mote it be!''
• If you want the sense smaller just pinch and push it. If you want to make it bigger, pull it!
• If you push too much, your sense will lost and gone and you never get it back again!
• If you pull too much, your body can't retrieve signal from your senses so beware!
• If your nose is too small, you can't breathe
• If your eyes is too small, you can't see
• Etc so beware
• And then sleep, do the chant and push or pull every day until 3 weeks! See your sense is changing!

*** Good Luck ***
Problem? Message for guidance!


Added to on Aug 09, 2014
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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You cannot grow/shrink your senses.

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