Pokemon Spell

SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Pokemon Spell
Half Pokemon

Casting Instructions for 'Pokemon Spell'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Paper
  • Pencil/Pen
  • Colouring Pencil
  • Water, especially shower
  • Some elements attributes
  • A picture of a pokemon and pokeball
  • Lotion
  • Night Time and Alone Time
  • Calm and Relaxed
  • Focus and Visualisation
  • Belief and Concentration
  • Much energy
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Paper
  • Pencil/Pen
  • Colouring Pencil
  • Water, especially shower
  • Some elements attributes
  • A picture of a pokemon and pokeball
  • Lotion
  • Night Time and Alone Time
  • Calm and Relaxed
  • Focus and Visualisation
  • Belief and Concentration
  • Much energy

The first, I will introduce what a half Pokemon is. Half Pokemon is a combination between human and a Pokemon. Half Pokemon is always shaped like human.

Here's the spell:

 Sit down in a comfortable pose and place alone and night. Draw the Pokemon you want to combine with. Color it as what it is like.


 "Goddess of Pokemon, I call thee! Let me change into a half Pokemon, I will use it wisely, thanks I give to you, so mote it be!"

Then, kiss the paper and fold it and put it under your pillow! (while doing this, make sure you're visualizing yourself changing) And then take a shower and after that wipe the lotion to all parts of your body! Then, go to sleep!

Every night, chant the same as before and kiss your paper, put it below your pillow!

*** Side Effects ***

  • Communicate with your Pokemon
  • Itchy
  • Feeling stronger
  • Weird feelings and senses
  • Head-ache
  • Sleepy
  • Body-parts changing 


Added to on Aug 24, 2014
Last edited on Jun 25, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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Can I be full Pokémon instead

Mar 23, 2019
Pokémon are fantasy creatures, they aren't real and you cannot become a different species or undertake physical transformations with magick.

Even if this was real, (it is not real) you probly woldn't be able to be full pokemon. Go try the other fake spells to see if they work and make you say your name forever (rest of life)

But obviously, they are all fake

Jul 20, 2019
One watch the language, two do you assume anyone who disagrees with you is doing it to be mean? Maybe Spirit tried this specific spell, maybe they tried a different spell, maybe they did the bare minimum of research on real magick and learned for themselves what it can and can't do. You don't know. Regardless of How Spirit came to this, they are still speaking the truth. Magick cannot turn you into a Pokemon. Pokemon aren't real, magick doesn't contradict nature, you cannot physically transform, this spell is fake. All facts, and like it or not Tefal, that's the reality of magick.

You cannot physically become half Pokemon. Since Pokemon are fictional, I question whether or not you can spiritually shift as well.

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