Grow Hair

SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Grow Hair
Spell to grow hair by morning!

Casting Instructions for 'Grow Hair'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • -lock of YOUR freshly cut hair
  • -the outside, with grass
  • -a positive attitude
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • -lock of YOUR freshly cut hair
  • -the outside, with grass
  • -a positive attitude
Note: Smile while doing all of the spell! If you mess up on the chanting, just start over. You can only do this once per day. For instance, I asked for two inches and then for six. I only grew two.
1) Make sure your outside, either in or near grass. Preferably during evening.
2) Hold the lock of hair in your hands.
3) Chant: ''Mother!
I want my hair to grow!
Can you make it so?
My beautiful hair
Even nicer as I go
My hair is lovely and adoring
Make it (length you want to grow) longer by tomorrow morning!
Mote it be!''
4) Kiss the hair.


Added to on Sep 03, 2014
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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This spell does not work. Your hair will not grow a significant amount over night.

Dec 27, 2022
Hi tadashi ! I see ur comments Everywhere And ur saying ''this spell does not work '' and I was asking if u have real spells will work I used to think that magic and spells do everything impossible like become a fairy vampire fly I am here because my dream is to become more pretty and attractive

Dec 28, 2022
I am a firm believer that beauty is subjective, so do not pursue the approval of others. A beauty spell will not change your nose or eyes to be what you view as ''perfect'' however, you could cast a glamour to have others perceive these features as different. A couple options you could do is enchant your beauty products with energy. Focus on your desired goal as you charge them. It is also beneficial to say a chant, something as simple as ''beauty imbued'' as you do it. Next is to create a daily beauty routine using these products. As you use them, imagine your desired goal, and say the chant at the beginning and end of the routine. I would also suggest a self-love ritual. A weekly bath for example, where you light a pink candle, and place rose, cherry, or peach scented bath products in the water. If there is a special bubble bath or bath bomb that makes you feel special, use that. You can also use actual rose petals, or herb blends, but they are a mess to clean if you have them loose, so use what is on hand. As with your beauty products, hold the item before using it and think of self love. How does it feel? How does it improve your life? Then place them in the bath and stir the water with your hand clockwise. Clockwise brings energy towards you. Soak in the tub while reflecting on how wonderful you are. Thinks you like/love about yourself. This does not have to be physical things either. If you wish, you can also make a beauty mask that doubles for your self-love ritual. 1 ripe avocado, 1/3 cup yogurt, 2 tablespoons of rolled oats, 2 tablespoon of honey, 1 tablespoon lemon juice. Mix these together, you can use a mortar and pestle, a spoon, or a food processor, whatever works Personally, I prefer stirring by hand, even if you use the food processor, so I can infuse energy as I stir. As you mix, charge energy, imagine your goal, if you wish to say a chant, you can. Wash your face, pat dry, then apply for 20 minutes as you soak in the tub, then wash off. To reiterate, this will not change your physical appearance in regards to face shape, but it will charge your energy to make others view you as beautiful. The rituals should also help you feel and believe it too.

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