Transformation from Human to Animal

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SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Transformation from Human to Animal
This spell will help humans become (mentally, physically in one's own mind) an animal of their choosing.

Casting Instructions for 'Transformation from Human to Animal'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • You
  • Concentration
  • This spell
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • You
  • Concentration
  • This spell
First of all, relax. Now think of the animal you want to become. Concentrate on the physical features it has. For example, does it have fur, scales, wings, legs, or multiple heads? Connect mentally with the animal once you are focused enough. To be kind, ask the animal for permission to inhabit it's body. Negotiate wether you, in the animal's body will be where the animal is or where you are. If you have permission, leave the animal thank it and leave a mental doorstopper to keep the door to that animal wedged open. Next, recite this incantation ''Mutatio to quidam animal in animus que corpus corporis.'' Now go back in through the mental door and inhabit the body of the animal.


Added to on Oct 23, 2014
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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You cannot physically transform into anything.

Sep 09, 2020
My Work For Me

Sep 09, 2020
Very amusing, that is a fur suit. Of course you can dress up as an animal and play pretend, but that is not what this spell is claiming. This spell claims you can physically transform which you cannot. Real Magic is a natural energy that brings natural change. Humans by nature cannot transform from human to giraffe, or whatever creature you wish to be. You can dress as the animal and call on their energy in a ritual, work with animal spirits/totems, or call on astral werewolves to assist you in your path, but physically transform you cannot.

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