Body Transformation

SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Body Transformation
This is my friend's spell. I didn't try it yet. So if it's not working, don't mad and send rude mail to me!

Casting Instructions for 'Body Transformation'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • A book and a pen
  • Some water
  • Clean Fruit (Colour)
  • Clean Leaves
  • Lotion or oil
  • Night and alone self time
  • White Candles
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • A book and a pen
  • Some water
  • Clean Fruit (Colour)
  • Clean Leaves
  • Lotion or oil
  • Night and alone self time
  • White Candles

First, you need to be alone and night time, and then you need to put 3 white candles in front of you.

Second, you need to draw yourself and divide its part (legs, hands, head, tails, ears, eyes, etc). Draw again what do you want to be and divide its part. Don't forget to write length, color (same as fruit), etc to explain the parts!

 Third, you need to sit down relax and meditate.

Fourth, say this : "God of Transformation, I call thee! This is my old body, I want my new body as drawn on this book! Let me change, let me transform, let me be different like I like! Change (description) to (description)! Let the drink and lotion as a thing that change me! Thanks to you if you change me! So mote it be!"

Fifth, put the lotion to all your body!

 Sixth, pour water to a bowl, and then mix it with the fruit (as many as different as color of parts), and leaves!  

Seventh, drink the mixture, and feel it!

Eighth, sleep well with the picture below you, and every 1 day, chant again! After 3 days until 1 week, you will feel the change, it's extremely painful but after it, you will feel better with your new body!

Side Effects

Headache, back pain, body pain, and any pain. Feel strange at almost every parts of your body.  A dream of you as your new body


There is no Reverse Spell, so be beware and aware! I don't want any rude mails! Think before doing this! Because if you have chanted once, you've sealed the deal and can't be stopped! 


Added to on Oct 25, 2014
Last edited on Dec 20, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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You cannot change your.form. It goes against the laws of, well pretty much everything logical and legitimate.

Apr 15, 2020
Your on a site for magic. If you want to talk about logic go to science.nobodycares

Apr 16, 2020
You don't understand what magick is if you are mad at someone who is explaining its limitations. Magick is a natural energy, it brings natural change. It isn't like you see in movies. It's limited by nature. You can magick to bring change into your life. You can do mental, spirits, and astral shifting, but physical shifting isn't real. There's a plethora of ways you can edit ''transformation'' spells to work, but expecting a spell to change you physically from a human to anything else doesn't happen. It isn't real. People who have studied magick and understand how it works wish to help new members by passing on their knowledge. Just because this is a site that talks about magick, doesn't mean it's a free for all. This is a site for Pagans and people who follow Pagan paths [Wicca, Witchcraft, Heathenry, Kemetic, Paganism, Satanism, Alchemy, so on] not all the people on this site believe in spellcasting, but for those who do, some users decided to help them learn by teaching in the comments section. I assure you, plenty of people care because plenty of people beg for teachers [but most people dislike the answers they get because it's not what they wanted to hear. LittleBirdy is speaking the truth I'm afraid.

Please explain me how to cast this ?

Have you attempted this 'spell'?

You cannot physically transform.

It's not gonna work

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