Wings Spell

SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Wings Spell
As requested by an email. I made this spell specially!

Casting Instructions for 'Wings Spell'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • As written in the spell instructions.
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • As written in the spell instructions.
• Sit down and put 6 white candles around you.
• Take a paper and write all characteristics of the wings you want, please include length and colour. You also can draw.
• Light up the candles and say what you have written. In the end, say ''Mote it be!'' and that time, you write ''Mote It Be!'' as big as you can. Please make sure that you have call goddess.
The part of goddess chant can be like this :
''Goddess of Wings, goddess of (...). I call thee. Let me have wings as I want, honour I give to you. (Tell what you want and explain like it is written)
• Turn off the candle and hide it.
• Take a bath or shower, please include chanted lotion or potion to the water if you use bath, or put the lotion on your back if you use shower.
When you chant the potion or lotion, call the goddess. How to call the goddess? It has been written before.
• Chant the first chant (what you have written) and kiss it and put it somewhere on bed, make sure its hidden, can be below the pillow!
• Do this everyday and you will succeed.

*** Side Effects ***
Back bones are flexible
Wants to sleep

Problem? Message for answers. This time, I'll surely answer all emails. Use good subject of email and tell me what part you can't do. Last thing, you need to be alone.


Added to on Nov 09, 2014
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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You cannot grow physical wings.

why not?

Oct 04, 2020
Its physically impossible to do so. Magic doesn’t violate natural laws.

Oct 06, 2020
SeleneSoleil is correct. Magic is a neutral energy source ruled by nature. On the physical plane, it is limited by nature, ergo, any spell that defies nature will not work. If you wish to fly, look into astral projection. At best, a flight spell on the physical will help you invent a new flying technology or help you purchase something like a hand glider. Unfortunately, growing physical wings is not in the realm of possibility.

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