Avian Wings

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SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Avian Wings
It will take lots of energy and concentration, and if the spell works for you, the side effects would be head aches, back pains, sleep deprived, liking heights and really really really hungry and thirsty.

Casting Instructions for 'Avian Wings'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • 2 feathers (optional, but recommended)
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • 2 feathers (optional, but recommended)

First meditate or take a nap for 30 mins. Next go to a quiet place with no noise or music and completely alone. Next take the feathers and place one in front of you and hold the other in your hand

If it is noon you will hold the feather with your left hand and say this... "God of the Sun, Goddess of the moon, I ask you for one thing, I wish to have wondrous wings of gleaming beauty, I wish for them to be black as space it's self, this is my wish I pray for this to happen please grant my wish!"

If it is mid night say the same thing but "Goddess of the moon "will go before "God of the sun " and instead of "black as space it's self" it will be "as white as the snow that falls to the ground" and you will hold the feather in your right hand.

I don't know when the wings will fully come in but it won't be longer than 4 months if it is do a different spell or redo this one. If you see side effects within the first hour after doing the spell your wings will come in in about a month or two if later it will take about 3 months. 


Added to on Dec 01, 2014
Last edited on Jul 24, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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You cannot grow physical wings.

well to be honest, 'it won't be longer than 4 months'? cannot grow wings. But maybe this author think another wings? not think it will working. just for advice: in spell there is 'i wish...' 3 times, then the sky elements must be 3 elements too ''Sun(yang),Star(neutral),Moon(yin)'' that will make 7/9 sentences.Also Give opening word 'O, God of the sun' & plus give the Closer to the spell like ''so be it''/''so mote it be'' or something like Abra (create), cadabra(as spoken) ''i create as i speak''

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