To Grow Wings

SpellsLove  ► Body  ► To Grow Wings
A simple spell to give you wings on the physical plane, can be done anywhere at any time

Casting Instructions for 'To Grow Wings'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • None
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • None

Wing Spell:

"I ask for a set of wings so I can soar,
A pair of wings to fly forever more,
Wings so big to fly so high,
Wings that shall carry me through the sky,
No longer shall I be bound to this earth,
When the element of air shows it's worth,
By the elements and their grace,
No longer shall I be bound to this dirt ridden place,
My wings shall be the color of *(earthen brown,
Never shall I wear a frown)
(The darkest black, to carry me in the sky without slack)
(The purest white, to help guide me through the night)
(An ashen gray, that shall carry me through every fray)
My wingspan shall be big enough to let me fly,
My wings of feathery grace,
Allow me to leave this place,
My wings shall come to me physically on the day of (day you want them)
That is my will, so mote it be."


Added to on Dec 31, 2014
Last edited on Jul 27, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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You cannot grow physical wings.

May 30, 2020

May 30, 2020
I am not a hater, I am stating a fact. Magic on the physical plane does not defy nature as this spell suggests. If you wish to work with angels, air elementals, fairys and other avian spirits, that is in the realm of possibility. Physically transforming into them is not.

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