Animal Transformation

SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Animal Transformation
My friend and I have been working on this spell that is recommended for canine or feline forms.

Casting Instructions for 'Animal Transformation'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • 1 stone (half dollar size about)
  • Cup
  • Water
  • Salt
  • 1 white candle
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • 1 stone (half dollar size about)
  • Cup
  • Water
  • Salt
  • 1 white candle

Light the white candle,  place your rock in front of you make sure the flatter side is up towards you. Then pour a bit of salt on the rock in the middle as much as possible. Place the rock over the flame but don't let the flame touch it yet (be careful!)

Recite this "as the salt binds with this rock" then dip your fingers in the water and let it drip onto the salt and continue with "as will my spirit will bind with the mighty spirit of (your chose animal) we will be one but separate, I will be able to use the abilities and apearence of (chosen animal), I will have control and freedom in my other form, this is my desire so more it be."

Lower your stone into the flame allowing it to "bond". That night you will have a dream and you in your animal form will appear before you so watch out. For the next couple nights kiss the rock and say "mote it be" before you go to sleep


Added to on Jan 24, 2015
Last edited on Jul 31, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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This will not allow someone to transform into an animal. It might allow you to bond spiritually with an animal, and may help someone shift on the spiritual plane, but not physically.

Dont ruin fun for others if you dont believe in it + if you dont believe in it why do you even search it up?

Jul 17, 2019
I've already explained this in a different reply to you. Actually, you've had several replies explaining why people point these things out and why it's not as simple as letting people believe whatever they want. I'm guessing you didn't check the replies, which I would be fine with, except it seems like you would do so before making the same argument to the same person.

You cannot physically transform into any animal.

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