Merhuman 2

SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Merhuman 2
There is a nother mermaid spell I put on here it works for some, others not so much. Here is an alternative.

Casting Instructions for 'Merhuman 2'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • 2 Chamomile incense
  • Altar
  • Stone
  • Pentacle
  • Mermaid-object or symbol
  • Milk
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • 2 Chamomile incense
  • Altar
  • Stone
  • Pentacle
  • Mermaid-object or symbol
  • Milk

Lay the mermaid object to be set in the middle of the pentacle. Set the incense on each side of the pentacle light them. Make sure your altar is facing east and FYI the mermaid object has to be like a mermaid doll or a mermaid statue something with a mermaid. And now meditate and stay with your altar till the incense are burned out and say:

"Now, at this time, I call upon Neptune. I call upon Poseidon. I call upon Gia. Let me become what I wish to be: a mermaid. When I'm wet, please give me a beautiful tail. When I'm dry, please let me have legs".

Repeat this over and over until the incense blow out. Take the object and hold onto it in the light of the moon. Get a class of milk. Put the incense ashes in the milk and drink them. On the next full moon, place the object in the bath water and you should see a tail on yourself.



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Last edited on Oct 29, 2015
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You cannot become a mermaid.

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