Activate your Inner Witch

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SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Activate your Inner Witch
This spell will help you activate your inner witch, it will grant you the power to be listened to by nature as you call for our mothers help

Casting Instructions for 'Activate your Inner Witch'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • 4 candles(red for fire, blue for water, green for earth and white for air)
  • Quartz crystals (4 not necessary)
  • Pentagram
  • Table
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • 4 candles(red for fire, blue for water, green for earth and white for air)
  • Quartz crystals (4 not necessary)
  • Pentagram
  • Table

Draw your pentagram. Light your candles in each corner of the pentagram facing the 4 element points each candle on each element. Get your crystals and put them in between the spaces on your pentagram Chant:"Now's the time, Now's the hour, ours is the magic ours is the power." x3
This spell is for 4 people if it's for 1 then only use one candle that represents your element, and use 1 crystal placing it on your element.


Added to on Mar 23, 2015
Last edited on Aug 23, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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So... this really works, right?

Jan 04, 2019
It depends on what you use it for, but it looks to me like you could use this as sort of a grounding or empowerment ritual before you cast other spells. It won't grant you any sort of ''magical powers'', but it can increase your focus and your touch with your faith, whether that be in nature or the energy around you. Whatever you look to when casting.

Apr 28, 2021
Right. This won't grant any ''magical powers'' but it can help you become closer to nature and it will help you use magick easier. I tried this a few years ago expecting to get supernatural abilities when that in fact will not work. All it did was empower me slightly, gave me a bit more focus in what I was doing, and helped me channel my own energy easier. While it may work in a realistic way, you cannot possibly hope to get supernatural abilities from it.

Does this work for 2 people?

Feb 17, 2019
This is not necessary to become a witch. If you want to be a witch, learn what magic is, what it can do, what it cannot do, and how it works.

Nov 09, 2019
Witches are merely humans who practice witchcraft, you do not need a spell to be a witch, simply study and practice the path. As for Demonica.w you are living in a fantasy world and do not understand what real witches and Pagans are like. I am a natural-born witch, my parents are Wiccan, and I was not only raised Wiccan, but I grew up around Pagans. While one can befriend angels and demons, your claims of having a ''human side'' leads me to conclude you are telling tall tales with the perception of sounding special. You are a witch, there is not a ''witch side'' you live this path completely. You are 100% witch, and 100% human at the same time.

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