Pine Oil

SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Pine Oil
To make pine oil for spells and what not.

Casting Instructions for 'Pine Oil'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Pine tree needles
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Pine tree needles

Harvest fresh pine tree needles from the pine tree of your choice. Do not use old pine tree needles that have already fallen to the ground, as these are more likely to mold and ruin your essential oil.

Clean the pine tree needles with warm water and a mild detergent soap to remove any contaminants that may be on the surface. To clean your needles, fill a container or your sink with warm, sudsy water. Place the needles into the sink and gently swish around to remove any dirt. Drain the water from the container or sink and rinse the needles well with clean water.

Place the pine needles on a layer of paper towels to dry. Blot the needles with extra paper towels to remove all moisture from the surface. Place the pine needles into the mortar and pestle and gently bruise the leaves. If you are using a small pestle, bruise the needles in small batches until all of the needles are done.

Pour the sweet almond oil into the large-mouth glass jar. Add all of the pine needles to the jar. Cap the jar tightly and gently shake to coat the pine needles with the sweet almond oil. Store the jar in a warm room with an ambient temperature of at least 75 degrees Fahrenheit, out of direct sunlight.

Shake the jar at least once a day for at least a week. After one week, store the jar in a dark location and allow the pine tree essential oil to age for 10 to 14 days. Do not shake the jar during this period.

Remove the oil from the dark location, shake, and strain the oil through a piece of cheesecloth or fine-mesh cotton gauze. Squeeze the gauze to drain as much of the pine tree essential oil out as possible.

Store the homemade pine tree essential oil in a dark bottle with an air-tight lid to help it remain as fresh as possible and avoid the risk of contamination


Added to on Mar 25, 2015
Last edited on Aug 12, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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Close. Go and find a pine tree. Begin by asking if you may harvest from it. Be sure to leave an offering when you receive permission. Cut a few small fascicles (needle clusters at the end of a branch) then take them home. You should not need to wash them, but if you do, rinse with water. Take a carrier oil such as vegetable oil and pour into a mason jar with the pine needles. You need enough to cover them. Give it a light shake once a day, and leave in a cool, dark place. Every few days, strain the oil into a new mason jar and add fresh pine needles. Repeat for 2-3 weeks. Finally, strain into fresh, clean and cleansed, bottle to store for spells. Some may include needles, wood shavings, and pinecones in the oil, other choose to remove them. Both work. This process can be used to create any number of Magikal oils. Research blends and make your own. It will contain your energy and be attuned to you. Therefore it will make your spells more potent.

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