Become A Pokemon

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SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Become A Pokemon
This spell is only for ones who want to forget human life and become a pokemon.

Casting Instructions for 'Become A Pokemon'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • None
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • None

Sit down and imagine the pokemon you wanna become. close your eyes and chant this three times,

"Pokemon Pokemon,
A game series I know,
Id like to become a pokemon
And make my humanity low.
(A pokemon you want)
(A pokemon you want)
God make me (a pokemon you want)."

Afterwards visualize yourself becoming that pokemon. now open your eyes and say
"by the power of 3. Mote it be"


Added to on Apr 11, 2015
Last edited on Aug 19, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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No spell can physically change someone as I was told by older members

Dont believe it, they maybe never did it or just did it once and it didn't work because they rushed it or something like that and think its fake straight away.

Jul 18, 2019
No, magick doesn't contradict nature, humans cannot physically transform naturally, and Pokemon aren't real, there's two reasons why this is 100% fake. If you actually studied magick you would know this and not give newbie witches false hope.

To clear things up for any beginners who may be considering this spell, it is fake. There's no need to waste time and energy on this when you could spend time actually learning how to cast and casting real spells.

Jul 20, 2019
''I don't care'' not ''idc.'' Abbreviations aren't allowed on the site. And stop continuing to say the same things to me when I've already explained my point of view to you on other comments you've failed to reply to. Also, I don't really go searching for spells, I just comment on ones I feel like commenting on. If you want to believe in it go ahead, but don't spread misinformation to people who are actually trying to learn.

Jul 20, 2019
People also believe the earth is flat, but no amount of belief will change the fact the earth is round. People have believed some pretty outlandish things that were debunked by science, yet stubbornly they refuse to accept reality. Don't be another close minded individual desperately clinging to your fantasy world instead of being willing to hear people, understand others view, and change yours when presented with facts. [i know that last bit will fall on deaf ears, but seriously, belief doesn't trump facts]

You cannot become a pokemon.

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