Animal Morphing Potion

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SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Animal Morphing Potion
This potion and spell will make you slowly morph into your chosen animal!

Casting Instructions for 'Animal Morphing Potion'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Bowl big enough to fit 1 or both your hands in
  • Pink food colouring
  • Sugar
  • One or two mint leaves
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Bowl big enough to fit 1 or both your hands in
  • Pink food colouring
  • Sugar
  • One or two mint leaves

Get the bowl and fill it with water but not so it over flows. Put the food colouring in the water FIRST and then the sugar and stir till the sugar dissolves. Rip apart the mint leaves/leaf as much as you can and then stir it in the water. Put one or two hands in the bowl (depending on the size of the bowl) and say the spell ONCE:

"Make me sprout two _____ears and a _____. Slowly turn into a ____. Sprout ____ and grow _____. Turn into a ____."

Example to morph into a wolf: "Make me sprout two white fluffy ears and a white tipped tail. Slowly turn into a wolf. Sprout grey fur and grow white paws. Turn into a wolf."

Then take some of the water with the mixed ingredients in and put it in a cup. Drink that mixture and you should slowly start to turn. The morph will eventually ware off in half an hour to three hours.


Added to on May 16, 2015
Last edited on Aug 26, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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does ot work

Jul 29, 2019
no. magick is a natural energy that effects energy to bring a natural desired. humans cannot shapeshift, magick doesn't effect the physical [meaning you can cast a beauty spell but it won't be instant, it will just speed the results of your new skin care routine, or hair care routine] therefore you cannot shapeshift. look into astral projection, some claim you can on the astral.

have you actually tried the spell?

Jul 31, 2019
as i said above, magick doesn't contradict nature, humans cannot shapeshift, therefore this spell is fake.

Oct 27, 2019
I have shapeshifted with out magic and dont remember it but my mim sead that she was fallowing wolf tracks and than little kid tracks

Wolfhound23 you spelled almost everything wrong... and maybe you should try a better spelling Spell

You cannot physically transform.

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