Ultimate Werewolf Spell

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SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Ultimate Werewolf Spell
This spell will make you one of the strongest/fastest and etc werewolves. It all depends one your belief. It may and may not work otherwise.

Casting Instructions for 'Ultimate Werewolf Spell'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Full moon
  • You
  • Outside
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Full moon
  • You
  • Outside



Spirits of the wolves and the moon I plea you to make me a werewolf. I will be a able to become a wolf at Will and feel no pain during that process. I will be able to break steel with my bare hands, I will be faster than a cheetah. My fur colour will be ---. My eye colour will be ---. I will have superstrength, speed, reflexes and the agility. I will never age and the biggest weakness will be silver. I will not kill as long as it's for self defence. So mote it be.


Added to on May 30, 2015
Last edited on Feb 26, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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You cant become a werewolf with a spell

Dec 28, 2019
You cannot become a werewolf, they are not physical beings, and physical shapeshifting contradicts nature which goes against the laws of magick on the natural plane, therefore you cannot become a werewolf with a spell as NonstopLD said.

You cannot physically transform into a werewolf.

You may not be able to physically transform, but can you spiritly transform?

Jan 29, 2021
Yes, astral and spiritual shifting [or transformation] is possible. It takes practice, but you can do it.

I suggest using a subliminal alongside this as they will amplify eachother. Just look up ''werewolf subliminal'' on youtube and you'll be good, remember to listen to the sub 15 minutes atleast and do so daily, results can take anywhere from 30 days to a few years (dw, most see results in less than a year. All good things come with time.)

If this spell does work will I grow

You cannot become a werewolf, they are not physical beings.

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