Dinosaur Transformation

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SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Dinosaur Transformation
This is how to transform into any dinosaur.

Casting Instructions for 'Dinosaur Transformation'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Glass
  • Dinosaur DNA (You can find this bug thing that has it)
  • Water
  • Meat (If you want to be a bad dino, get human flesh)
  • Spoon
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Glass
  • Dinosaur DNA (You can find this bug thing that has it)
  • Water
  • Meat (If you want to be a bad dino, get human flesh)
  • Spoon

Warning: You will mess up if you don't read this all before doing it

Mix the water and dinosaur DNA together in the glass. Put the liquid in your mouth, but don't swallow it! Make sure that the liquid has some of you DNA, as in your saliva. After your DNA is mixed with the liquid, spit it out on the meat.

Wait for about 5-10 minutes. Eat the meat afterwards. (I know it's gross because of the saliva and the dino DNA, but do it!)

After eating the meat, say: "Dinosaur, dinosaur, dinosaur, that is what I want to be. God, make me a dinosaur. I will have shining (color) eyes. My scales are (color). I wish to trade my life to be a (what dinosaur), roar. So mote it be" Note: Make sure you are visualizing that you are a dinosuar while saying the spell.

Side effects:

  • Headaches
  • Eyes changing color
  • Toothaches
  • Teeth change shape (Depends on what dino you are)
  • Longer nails (Depends on what dino you are)
  • Skin changes color
  • Tail coming in 1 week
  • More aggressive (Depends if you ate the flesh or animal meat)


Added to on Jul 06, 2015
Last edited on Mar 25, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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This will not work! And human meat... I am sick :(

what is the spoon used for???????

You cannot physically transform.

I’m sorry but everyone please do not listen to this this spell is fake do not go out trying to find human flesh

What the absolute is this! Human meat! And also, how are we supposed to find the bug! Seriously! Who would post something like this! Not a RP site people! It's not roleplay here! Also, the Christian God, as far as I know, is against witchcraft, so why would you call upon that God for a magick spell? You cannot transform physically with magick, spiritually or mentally transformation, sure! But physical? Absolutely not!

Jan 01, 2023
As someone who believes herself a witch, AND a Christian it isn't far fetch to believe God has problems with spells, look at the Episcopalian Eucharist, and read it out loud, it is a spell of forgiveness calling upon God to grand that through his son. Bonus points after reading it go to a serves and watch the priest during the Eucharist, a lot of spell casting in their hand movments.

Jan 01, 2023
Witchcraft is a craft. It can be combined with any spiritual path. While there are passages in the Bible discussing magic, the witch hating lines were added by King James. He had a serious phobia of witches, so he vilified them in his version of the Bible. However, spells and prayers are rather similar, and Christians utilize magic in their church services without realizing it. The Bible is the word of God interpreted by man. While it is a holy book, what matters is your connection to the holy spirit. Other people will interpret the words their own way and tell you what to think.

this doesn't work you can't physically shapeshift plus you would be a murderer if you turned into a meat eater

this spell is fake and wont work

What in the absolute is this?

Number 1: no one eat human meat (unless u wanna get arrested and probably really sick, but still do not eat it) and number 2: this is fake (I mean, come on who would believe this nonsense) and finally number three: this is not an rp website.

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