3 Animal Transformation

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SpellsLove  ► Body  ► 3 Animal Transformation
Turns you into 3 animals of your choice in 10 days.

Casting Instructions for '3 Animal Transformation'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • 3 pieces of printer paper
  • Black pen
  • Yarn of your favorite color, or paper of your favorite color
  • Something that relates to animals (charm, feather, jewelry, etc.)
  • Place to bury something
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • 3 pieces of printer paper
  • Black pen
  • Yarn of your favorite color, or paper of your favorite color
  • Something that relates to animals (charm, feather, jewelry, etc.)
  • Place to bury something

On the first piece of paper, draw a picture of the first and largest animal. Draw it as realisticly as you can. If you are having trouble you can find an online tutorial. Draw it with only black pen and nothing else. Don't color it, but have an idea of what color it is.

On the second piece, draw the mid-sized animal, and follow the same guide lines as above. On the third piece, draw your smallest animal, follow the guide lines above. Now, put them in a pile with the largest animal on the bottom, and smallest on top. Fold them in half and write the following on the paper.

"(Largest animal's name), (medium animal's name), (smallest animal's name) all hide inside of me, let them out so I can see. Please all gods I ask of thee, set them loose and set me free. Let me shift to them as I wish, and please accept my humble gift. In three days time I will feel the effect of this spell, in seven days I will shift at will. Please oh please listen to me, grant me this wish and set us free! So mote it be"

Now fold it again so it makes a square and draw a pentagram, put your animal object on the paper and fold it in half. Wrap it in your yarn so only the edge of the paper shows, or fold your colored paper around it so your offering won't fall out.

Now, bury it in a place it won't be disturbed, if there is no dirt nearby, cover it in rocks so you can't see it at all. Then say "Gods I ask of thee, set me free!"


Added to on Jul 09, 2015
Last edited on Sep 04, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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how do you turn back to your self

Apr 08, 2020
physical transformation isn't possible, so you have nothing to worry about. If this spell is to make you shift mentally or astrally, you would think about your human body and you would return [or just open your eyes as mental and astral sifting don't affect the physical form]

You cannot physically transform into anything.

This is FAKE

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