Power/emotion shifting spell.

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SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Power/emotion shifting spell.
This spell allows the caster to switch powers and emotions with someone of choice sort of like the power swap spell on this website only my spell works and is less complicated.

Casting Instructions for 'Power/emotion shifting spell.'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Good focus.
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Good focus.
To successfully cast the spell, First say both your names, starting with you then the person's name. While saying the person's name, envision the person. Do not worry about your name. Just the other's name. Then say:''Caminus-Corporeus-Meum-Corporeus-Sua-Eorum-Nominato!'' Pronunciation:''Cam-Inn-Us/Coor-Poor-ee-us/Mee-Um/Coor-Poor-ee-us/Soo-a/Ee-oor-um/Nom-Inn-Oto.''P.S. Clap out infront of you as you say nominato!


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Can i talk to u about spell

This does not work. You might use empathic abilities to feel anothers emotions but you cannot switch power and/or emotion with them by chanting.

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