Insomniac's Sleep Aid

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SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Insomniac's Sleep Aid
If you've got trouble falling asleep, let Trin guide you through this simple spell!

Casting Instructions for 'Insomniac's Sleep Aid'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Bed
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Bed

Lay in bed and relax. Whisper this lullaby:

"Hush, hush, the pendulum swings,
Close your eyes, enraptured by dreams"

This may be enough, but additional verses could include:

"Vines will carry out your thoughts,
Growing, twisting, miles are lost.
Lilies bloom outside your door,
Knowing, breathing, tears no more."

Add as many verses as you want, make up your own. 


Added to on Jul 10, 2015
Last edited on Sep 04, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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I usually just take a melatonin pill, but this is much more pleasant. Seriously those pills turn to SAND in your mouth. And they taste bad too. Ugh. But this is nicer.

Apr 24, 2020
Do this work? I take Melatonin too, when I can’t fall asleep but I’m thinking this might be better...

Do this work?

Apr 25, 2020
Try it and see. Personally, I have a set sleep routine to help me. I drink an herbal tea that helps me relax, I listen to a wind-down guided meditation, and say a prayer before bed. All of these things set the mood for sleep. Some use aromatherapy and crystals to also help. Try it and see what works best for you. If you use this along with a set schedule [instead of turning off your computer and immediately hopping into bed] this can work for some.

Bro- how can I email you- i wanna like make this a recording and put it out there- but I wanna get your permission and credit info first

Jun 29, 2021
It REALLY helped me- and I want it to help more peoples-

This might help some, but a chant alone will do little for an insomniac. Create a bedtime routine to ensure you train your mind for sleep, relax, ground your energy, and prepare for rest. This chant could be then used as a way to release or tell your mind it is time for bed.

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