Feel like or Become a Cat

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SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Feel like or Become a Cat
This is a spell to feel like or become a cat.

Casting Instructions for 'Feel like or Become a Cat'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Figurine Resembling a Cat (looks like a cat, doesn't need to be a cat)
  • Music in the background that you like
  • Cat Hair
  • No humans in the same room
  • Liking or loving of cats.
  • Voice
  • Imagination
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Figurine Resembling a Cat (looks like a cat, doesn't need to be a cat)
  • Music in the background that you like
  • Cat Hair
  • No humans in the same room
  • Liking or loving of cats.
  • Voice
  • Imagination

1. Place the figurine in front of you.
2. Put the music on in the background.
3. Put the cat hair on or touching the figurine.
4. Then say this 3 times:

"I want to be a cat,
no predators,
fast speed,
claws for climbing,
 I ask Bastet to make me a cat,
this is my will, so mote it be."

5. Take the cat hair off the figurine and put the hair on your head. keep it there, if it falls off, it's ok, but don't take it off.
6. Kiss the figurine.
7. Listen to the music until the end.
side effects: If you do this perfect, you will become a cat. If not, you will act and be like a cat, which is cool.

 Better Climbing
 Sharper Nails
 Sharper Teeth
 Better Speed
 Better Night Vision
 Better Hearing
 Better Smell
 Licking Self

 How to change into and out of a cat:

 This may take from 3 days to a month, and when the side effects get tense try these.
to change into a cat, imagine the cat you want to be and whisper "cat form, cat form, change me". To change back into a human, lick yourself 3 times on the paw and meow in between licks, then flick that paw with your ear.
 Contact me if you have questions.


Added to on Jul 21, 2015
Last edited on Apr 21, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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Will we keep our memory

Oct 11, 2019
Memory won't be an issue, you aren't going to transform into a cat, no matter how much you may wish it. At best, this may give you the feeling of being more feline, through placebo, but physical transformation isn't going to happen and so memory loss isn't something you will experience. It's not what you want to hear, but physical transformations aren't possible on this plane, look to the astral for more successful results.

You cannot become a cat with Real Magic. Research animal spirits.

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