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SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Werebeast
Only works for werebeasts, or if you are waiting to become a werebeast, but not sure if it will work, depending on how much you believe. You can transform up to 5 body parts.

Casting Instructions for 'Werebeast'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • A lot of belief
  • Imagination
  • Voice
  • Water
  • Night time
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • A lot of belief
  • Imagination
  • Voice
  • Water
  • Night time

1. Look into the night. Outside or through a window will do. If you see the moon, look at that. Believe.

2. Hold the cup of water so if it had eyes it could see the night, and if you see the moon, let the light shine on it. You don't have to let the moon shine on it though.

3. Say this spell:


"To partly transform is what I seek.
A transformation I won't wait for.
My (body part) will transform.
(optional) my (body part) will transform.
(optional) my (body part) will transform.
(optional) my (body part) will transform.
(optional) my (body part) will transform.
This is my will.
By the light of the moon, mote it be."


4. Imagine those body parts transforming. Remember, they have to be of the werebeast you are, e.g. if you are a werewolf, you will have blunt claws, if you are a werecat, you will have very sharp retracting claws, etc. Things like heads might not work, but teeth and claws/nail and ears and stuff will.


Added to on Sep 15, 2015
Last edited on Sep 29, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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You cannot physically transform with Real Magic.

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