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SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Shapeshift
This will make you shapeshift into any animal. You can also hybridise animals, like decide to be an amur leopard with silver bird wings, and so on.

Casting Instructions for 'Shapeshift'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • White candle
  • Multiple animal toys
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • White candle
  • Multiple animal toys

Light the white candle. Arrange the toys around it. Say this spell, while concentrating on the candle flame:

"Animals of all kinds,
So many,
So many I want to be them all,
So I may shift,
At my will, I will transform,
By the light of this candle,
This is my will,
Mote it be."

If you have a god or goddess, ask them to make the spell work. If you don't, just think about it and hope.

How to shift: This is quick. It won't take long to work. Maybe a day. But how to shift? If you want to shift, think really hard of the creature you want to be. Whisper this: "This animal form I will take now." When you want to shift back, really think of your human form. In your head, say: "My human form I will take now"


Added to on Sep 15, 2015
Last edited on Sep 17, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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Can this make you physically shift?

Mar 24, 2019
No, you cannot physically shapeshift because Magick is a natural energy that is ruled by nature. We cannot naturally shapeshift in the physical therefore no spell will achieve this.

You cannot physically shapeshift into anything.

Feb 16, 2025
That’s a lie and why can’t you people just say the truth for once and I think it’s because you guy only practice earth magik here and I literally don’t see any real magik here

Feb 17, 2025
How is it a lie? Because you do not want to accept reality it is therefore a lie? This site has many fake spells because it is an old site and the fake spells bring traffic to the site. However, there are plenty of real spells on this site; they are just boring to newbies because you cannot defy nature with Real Magik and that is not as much fun as what you saw in a movie. Unfortunately, that is reality. Myself and many others have been telling the truth since we joined. Sadly, most left because people who know very little call them liars and refuse to listen to reality and they chose to protect their peace. Just because someone chose to walk away, does not mean you were right. It simply means they did not want to waste precious energy on someone who refused to listen. Since you want the truth, here it is:

You are reincarnated on the physical plane as a human. Magik exists everywhere. Each plane of existence has its own natural laws and Magik will work based on that planes natural laws. On the physical plane, the laws are more ridged than on the astral, ethereal, even the quantum realm. There are no physical vampires, werewolves, fairys, dragons, mermaids, or anything else of that nature because they are from other planes of reality. Just as how we can astrally project and interact with their realms, they can interact with ours. These beings are also more spiritually elevated than humans, so while they might possess the power, they do not interfere because they know what the ripple effects in our plane would do. Magik is real. Astral beings are real. You can work with them in your craft. I have worked with the fae for most of my life. However, you are human. You are limited by the realm you were born to. For this lifetime, your Magik will obey the rules of the physical. There are many forms of Magik. Witches cast spells on other planes and call on other spirits to enhance their Magik, but it is still limited by the physical. You can cast a powerful money spell, utilizing angels, Jupiterian energy, and cast it in the fantasy realm where your altar resides. On the physical, money will not rain from the ceiling. On the physical, you will notice more opportunities for work. Cheques you were waiting on will arrive. Your online store will double in sales. That is the limits of the physical.

You can mentally and astrally shapeshift. These are not physical transformations. You can work with the Akashic Records to shift your reality to one where you have what you desire. You can call on astral werewolves and other spirits to shift your energy so it is in alignment with your desires. You cannot and will not physically shapeshift from human to anything else. You can choose to believe me, and everyone else who has told people the exact same thing, or you can ignore everything we've said. Whatever you choose, it will only affect you.

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