Become A Fairy

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SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Become A Fairy
To become a fairy at dawn. Must be done at night.

Casting Instructions for 'Become A Fairy'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • A leaf or two
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • A leaf or two

Have a bath before saying this spell at midnight (or a few minutes after)
The bath will make you more cleansed and pure.
Sit somewhere comfortable, holding a leaf to be more connected with earth.

Then chant, three times, this-

"On this holy night,
While the moon stands in all its might,
I ask ye to hear my plight,
I wish to become a fairy by the end of this night,
Whenever I wear the ring on my finger my wings will appear,
Though, when I am alone my wings will be visible even if I am not wearing the ring,
Every time I turn, my outfit shall change to the outfit I am imagining,
My wings will be a firey red and three inches wide, two inches tall
My eyes shall be silver,
My hair will be dark brown and longer,
There will be no dye in my hair,
My eyelashes will be three centimetres longer,
I will be 120 pounds,
My skin will be flawless,
I will be able to sing beautifully,
Even in human form I will still be able to manipulate fire, water and earth, use magic with ease as well as grant unlimited wishes,
I shall be able to sing as if a siren,
Please, fairies, allow me to become like the,
Of the power of three,
So more it be,"

Side effects,

  • Pain in between shoulder blades,
  • Dizziness
  • Urge to fly
  • Heat in hands
  • Urge to sing


Added to on Oct 10, 2015
Last edited on May 01, 2018
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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You can not become a fairy.

Jan 04, 2020
Then why did you cllick on this link? You need a hobby.

Jan 05, 2020
I chose to educate others so they do not waste their time on nonsense, get discouraged, and leave the path. From what I have seen, you merely run around yelling at people in the comments who disagree with you. So tell me, who is in need of a hobby?

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