Another God Spell

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SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Another God Spell
This will make you a god, I've found a way to become a god I'm now a God of death, magic, life, wisdom, and knowledge.

Casting Instructions for 'Another God Spell'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Nothing
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Nothing

Close your eye's say 1 time:


  "I invoke the God of dragons, and the king of my body,mind,spirit, and soul, turn me into a god/goddess of (death, life, or whatever kind of god or goddess you want to be) as soon as the sun rises, as soon as daytime is reborn, so will I be reborn and reawakened as one of the god's for eternity, so it shall be."


Note: As said in the spell this is permanent and irriversible, as soon as you wake up you should be a god.


Added to on Feb 03, 2016
Last edited on Feb 04, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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This will never work. You might be able to alter the incantation to bring you more confidence, but you will not become a literal God through a spell, because that is not how magic works.

Why are there so many haters on this site. Of course it will not work for you. Half the spells literally say they need belief. You know you are not required to be on this site right ''Tadashi''?

Jan 28, 2020
Good to note that no one is being a ''hater'', those that post these comments are often experienced practitioners, wanting to point people away from the fantasy spells and towards the real magickal practice that can be exceptionally fulfilling. Spells like this one can be fun to do, but if people are expecting real results they can become frustrated and dissuaded from continuing to study and practice. These posts aren't to ''hate'' but instead to advise, people can choose whether or not to listen.

Jan 29, 2020
I would like to also note, Tadashi was being rather positive [expecially compared to his normal ''you can't do this'' posts] he gave you options for this spell to work. It can be a spell to bring strength to you, it could be a way to bring more energy into your life. It can work symbolically but it won't be literal. That's all he was saying.

will this spell still work if I don't close my eyes I am a really slow memorizer

Nov 05, 2020
I'm sorry, but this spell is fake, so it won't work either way. When casting a spell, it doesn't matter if your eyes are open or closed, but I would read the spell on repeat until you get a rhythm [chants should be done in a trance-like state so you get lost in the moment and focus more on the spellcasting over reading the words]

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