Women's Fertility Spell

SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Women's Fertility Spell
To aid in a woman's fertility and likelihood to bear children.
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Fresh Rose Petals
  • Water
  • Carnelian
  • Image of a Fertility Lady
  • Egg
  • Green Paint or Marker
  • Evergreen Tree
  • Rose Oil or Rose Fragrance
  • Green Candle
  • A Wreath of Flowers

Casting Instructions for 'Women's Fertility Spell'



Begin beforehand by grinding fresh rose petals in a mortar and pestle. Brew this in water alongside a charged carnelian to create a well concentrated potion. Place this outside to absorb energy from its surroundings.

If this spell is for yourself, you must rewrite the format, if this spell is for another, continue. Set your working space up with a Fertility Image alike Venus of Willendorf. You must also have the potion preset, rose oil on a burner, a green candle, and your egg along with what you will use to mark them. Lay your patient down near your working space where she will be comfortable.

Begin by placing a flower wreath on your patient and laying her down. Ask that she visualize herself holding a child and even a wild untamed jungle.

You start by dressing a candle with rose oil and carving the symbol of fertility on it. You may even put glitter on your candle. Also paint the same fertility symbol over an egg in green. Now we are to the active part of the spell. Trace the symbol over her belly. Massage the rose water over her belly. If the man she wishes to conceive with is present then he should do this part. Crack the painted egg over her belly. Light the candle and place your hands over her. Say this incantation out loud so every living tree, plant, bud, and animal can hear you:


"Great Mother, Grail of Life
We ask that you bless this woman with the gift of fertility
Cradle of Souls Nurturing One
Teacher her your ways and manifest the fruit of her womb
Be the fresh spring rain, encouraging her soil to birth new life
Be the light of the moon, growing womb to full light
Be the sea that life came from, making her the source for generations to come
In the name of the Great Mother of the Living, She who Eve was made in the image of, Blessed Be!"


The Woman now says this prayer or one similar


"You know my deep desire for a child
A little one to love and to hold, to care for,
to cherish. Grant that my body may conceive
and give birth to a beautiful, healthy baby in
Your holy image.
Guide me in all my choices so that this
conception, my pregnancy and my baby's birth
are in line with Your will.
Heavenly Father and Holy Mother,
hear this prayer of my heart, mind and spirit.


The caster then says,


"Beloved Gabriel
Announce the birth of this woman's child
Allow her to already hear its cries for her from Heaven."


The Egg is then carried off her belly and buried at the feet of an evergreeen or pine tree. Give the candle and the image to the woman as an early baby shower gift to remind her of the spell. The woman must massage the potion on her belly every Monday for a whole moon cycle.


The prayer is contributed by http://www.catholic.org/prayers/prayer.php?p=2985


Added to on Feb 06, 2016
Last edited on Feb 08, 2016
Part of the Christian Wiccans Library.


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This can work to speed the time it takes to get pregnant, but you still need a sperm donor to get you pregnant. You will not wake up the day after casting and find yourself miraculously pregnant. Also, if you have fertility issues, yes, try this spell, but be sure to also speak with your doctor. Magik helps remove barriers, but it does not make the impossible possible, despite what you may hope.

Nov 21, 2022
Ah yes, I wrote this spell about 7 years ago, around age 13-14. Even then this was to help a couple conceive, science was never discounted.

Nov 22, 2022
Tadashi never discredited the spell. He said it can work, but included the likely ways it could because many people assume magick works like in movies.

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