Aura Seeing

SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Aura Seeing
This spell will eventually allow you to see auras

Casting Instructions for 'Aura Seeing'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Yourself
  • Quiet Place
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Yourself
  • Quiet Place
1. Meditate in a quiet place and open all your Chakras.
2. Have a partner stand in front of a mirror or white wall.
3. Focus just to the side of your partner. Don't look at your partner or you will have to start over.
4. You may begin to see the colors surrounding them.
*if not don't worry this takes practice.

Another Way.

1. Open the third eye.
2. Close your eyes and see yourself within your third eye.
3. Imagine a field of color swirling around you.
4. Keep the image within your mind and open your eyes.
5. If you keep doing this, the colors will begin to show themselves to you.

Blessed Be.


Added to on Feb 10, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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Does this work?

No need to explain how and what magic is, though, because I've seen a lot of those comments where people say what magic is, and what it can/can't do in answer to ''Does this work'', so you're fine, no need to tell me.

Oct 22, 2020
I've never tried with a mirror, but that's how I started seeing auras [I would hold my hand up a few inches in front of a solid coloured wall and stare at the wall] Once your able to do that, you can practice elsewhere. I would look at auras of people on the bus [i find it easier if you look at people's head and shoulders]

You do not need your chakras open to see auras. Chakras can help with the natural flow of energy, but people can see auras without working with their chakras.

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