Breast Butt Enlargement

SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Breast Butt Enlargement
This spell is to help you have bigger boobs/butt, please tell me your results!

Casting Instructions for 'Breast Butt Enlargement'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Warm large bucket of water
  • Towel
  • Candle (optional)
  • Outside
  • Full or no moon
  • Leaves
  • Flowers
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Warm large bucket of water
  • Towel
  • Candle (optional)
  • Outside
  • Full or no moon
  • Leaves
  • Flowers
  1. Good outside and set up a "bath" of warm water.
  2. Remove all clothes and get into bath.
  3. Cleanse your self as well as possible.
  4. Get out of the bath and lay on the towel still naked.
  5. Place the flowers on your breasts.


"Please goddess of beauty
Fill my breasts as full as they get
Use the flowers to pull them to the sky
I need (describe desired breasts)
(Remove flowers and stand up)
(Hold breasts up)
Please make these flimsy balloons fill
Make men love them
I need it.
(Take leaves and grasp them onto your butt)
(Continuously squish butt)
I need my butt to be as big as this earth
My butt defines me
Make me beautiful
Dear Aphrodite
You can make me this way
Make my butt fill
This is my will
Mite it be."


Added to on Mar 13, 2016
Last edited on Nov 08, 2019
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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I suppose a chant like this before doing exercises to tone your butt/chest maybe, but genetically this won't make your breasts bigger/smaller. Also, a person should love you for you, not because you've got a certain body type. Those people only want you for one thing and it's not love and you don't deserve people like that in your life, no matter how much you may think you do, you deserve someone who loves you for you. [sorry to sound like an after school special but it's true. If you want to change fine, but don't don't for other people, the only person you should make happy is you]

Oct 31, 2019
Have you even tried it?

Oct 31, 2019
Have you tried jumping off the roof to test gravity? Some things are well known facts and don't need testing. Magick doesn't contradict nature, you can put the wish out for larger breast/but but you'll need to put in mundane effort to make it work.

Nov 10, 2019
i'm not being a hater [sometimes repeating yourself can get tiering, but trust me, i am not being a ''hater'' i am trying to teach] if you want this spell to work you will need to incorporate real-world effort. casting this spell and then doing squats, or talking with a doctor for plastic surgery can work, but humans cannot go to bed a size 7 and wake up a size 2, magick requires effort on our part, so try this spell, but be ready to work for your goal. that's my point, simply saying you want to look a certain way won't make it so, magick makes the stars align so you can reach your goal, it doesn't hand it to you without you actually trying.

Nov 23, 2019
she's right, actually. you'd have to put in legitimate effort in order to achieve it. study a little more, and you'll see. everyone with a different opinion isn't a hater :)

Dec 30, 2019
Yes in general I disapprove of spells to change your body. People really need to learn to love themselves for who they are.

This does not work. You cannot change your physical appearance with Magik alone.

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