Animal Transformation

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SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Animal Transformation
A chant and a ritual that will help you become an animal.

Casting Instructions for 'Animal Transformation'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • 5 Candles (Color must represent the personality of your animal)
  • 5 Objects (These subjects are yours, such as necklace, amulet, etc)
  • Mixture of Magick Herbs (Ones that represent your animals personality)
  • Your Hair
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • 5 Candles (Color must represent the personality of your animal)
  • 5 Objects (These subjects are yours, such as necklace, amulet, etc)
  • Mixture of Magick Herbs (Ones that represent your animals personality)
  • Your Hair

Make a Pentacle with the blend of herbs. Make this big enough so you can sit inside of it. At each point place a candle and an object. Light the candles. Sit inside and chant the chant.

"Cerridwen goddess of Celtic transformation, Grant me access to my soul transformation. I want to Change and be different. I want To be one with the animal. It has a colortail type, and the gracious body and spirit. It hears all with its mighty colorEar type. Grant me access to the gracious body and spirit of the animal, so mote it be."


Added to on Mar 16, 2016
Last edited on Nov 06, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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you can´t transform into a animal, we are all already animals and magic can´t transform you into anything

You cannot physical transform into an animal.

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