Physically Enhancing Your Body

SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Physically Enhancing Your Body
This will make you stronger, working out is more effective, and you learn skills easier.

Casting Instructions for 'Physically Enhancing Your Body'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • None
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • None

This spell will cause healing of illnesses, strength on its own, and when working out muscles with grow so fast no one will beleive you unless you show them a before and after, however I'm not sure if it helps as much as steroids, don't do steroids. All together you will be a for physical fit person.

It can take about 2 weeks to work, no way to tell how long it will take but it's around 2 weeks. Everyday until you see results say: "With the power of the highest helping me I shall become better, greater, like a ball of gleaming light, and I will serve a good deed in return." About 3 times a day.

The Price:
For this to work a great deed, and smaller deeds of good must be committed. You have to wait till you see someone is time of need and help them in a way that you relieve them of a lot of pressure or stress. The small deeds are just being nice, opening doors for people etc. That will keep your blessing alive and strong. Every deed will give you a tingling in your stomach, this is good.


Added to on Jun 09, 2016
Last edited on Nov 20, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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This does not work. You will improve your outlook, but your physical strength will not improve unless you train. This outline would work to improving one's emotional state.

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