Swiftness Potion

SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Swiftness Potion
This works 100%, well, do you wanna run faster? Do this spell/potion I've tried this lots. The ingredients you should have at home anyway, there home utilities, these ingredients are chosen for power of your body.

Casting Instructions for 'Swiftness Potion'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • 3 Apples (Just picked from the tree, fresh)
  • Water
  • Large spoon or stick
  • Rose or Tulip petals
  • Big bucket or bowl
  • Belief
  • Need to be full of energy (eat 2 chocolate bars or an energy drink!)
  • Knife
  • Voice
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • 3 Apples (Just picked from the tree, fresh)
  • Water
  • Large spoon or stick
  • Rose or Tulip petals
  • Big bucket or bowl
  • Belief
  • Need to be full of energy (eat 2 chocolate bars or an energy drink!)
  • Knife
  • Voice

Get the big bowl or bucket and pour water inside, it has got to be half full. Chop or crush the apples all in the bucket or big bowl, with the water. Get the flower petals and put them in too, crush and stir everything up harsh like. Now say this spell:


"The speed of joy in races or fun, excersises are healthy, I wanna run! Make me run faster to feel so cool, I'll go (as fast as you want) Miles per hour, I feel this energy rising upon me! Make me faster, as I wish. Gods and Goddesses, sprint for me, give me this power, so mote it be!"


Added to on Jul 06, 2016
Last edited on Nov 30, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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This will not work. You can use a chant to help you in your training, but you cannot say ''I want to run as fast as a car'' and it works. Magik does not defy nature.

i assume this is from mincraft

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