Fat Curse

SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Fat Curse
This curse is sure to strike fear into your enemies eyes, they'll get so fat they'll rip they're clothes and bust buttons.

Casting Instructions for 'Fat Curse'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Anything this person has touched more than once
  • Your target's undergarments (optional)
  • A plate of food
  • A cup of water
  • A confident and brave personality
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Anything this person has touched more than once
  • Your target's undergarments (optional)
  • A plate of food
  • A cup of water
  • A confident and brave personality

You may do this spell on yourself for fun it wears off after 5 hours but you may continuously do it to stay like that but everytime you do it it adds five more hours and five more pounds.
It takes 3 weeks to get to the limit of how much you can weigh

  • How old is your target?
  • If they are 10 or under skip to 3
  • If they are 11-14 skip to 2
  • If they are 15-42 go to 1
  • 1. The limit is 380 lbs.
  • 2. The limit is 260 lbs.
  • 3. The limit is 180 lbs.

Warning: Do not mistake the limits if you do the wrong limit you may give them a heart attack or starve them

Make a pie/cake/baked good. Pour a whole box of sugar in a bowl. Say:

"Burden whomever eats this cake with five extra pounds
Make them very fat and round
Whether by their will or not
Make their metabolism start to rot"

Then sprinkle three pinches of sugar onto the cake. Pour a cup of water. Go to their house. And offer it as a peace offering. If they don't say ok shove a slice with sugar on it into their mouth. And if they don't swallow and chew then make them chew and pour the water into their mouth

Go home and wait for 9:00pm to come. Sit on your floor and meditate, clear your mind. Stay in that postion and open your eyes. Say: "The Curse has begun"


Added to on Aug 09, 2016
Last edited on Dec 21, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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Wow.. Ok this is fake.

I highly doubt this works.

This does not work. As a side, do not force someone to eat the food you made, that would be assault. You can curse/bless food, but it will not make the person fat.

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