Werewolf Ritual

SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Werewolf Ritual
A ritual to turn somebody into a werewolf. The form you take will be of a wolf, not a half human half wolf.
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • Full moon, night, outside
  • A feather, some water, a stone and a candle (or something else to represent fire if you cannot burn anything.)
  • Image of a wolf (picture, figurine, plush toy, etc., Preferably a plush or large figure)
  • A piece of your body (hair, nails, blood, tooth, etc.)
  • Milk
  • Honey
  • Basil
  • Bay leaves
  • Cinnamon
  • Salt
  • Bowl and spoon
  • Towel or mat to sit on

Casting Instructions for 'Werewolf Ritual'

Sit cross-legged facing the moon. Sprinkle salt in a circle around you and your items. Place the items representing the elements around you, with wind at your left, water at your right, fire before you and earth behind you.
Place the bowl before you. Put the spoon next to it, and the wolf item on the other side of it. Place the body item into the bowl.
Pour milk into the bowl, then mix in honey. Sprinkle in powdered basil, bay leaves and cinnamon, then add a pinch of salt. Stir until the salt is dissolved and there are no clumps or large pieces of the herbs.
Look up at the moon and close your eyes. Imagine wolves running, moving, playing, hunting. See the way their bodies move. Then recite this chant. (You may print it or write it down.)

''Moonglow, mist, muscle and bone
Black and water weathered stone
Blood drawn death and muted screech
Scraping for magic within reach
Violet blood through crimson vine
Lightning strike and frothy brine
Fangs and talons, eyes of awe
Power held by bloodied claw
Control is false, instinct is law

The weakened body, modern form
Will never survive the storm
Drowned away, the pulse is dead
But the harvest moon shines red
The wild soul that I call mine
Belongs to a body lupine
Moon, the packsong cries for thee
And now the call reaches me
The wolves will come to set me free

Sinews, fur, fangs, but no pain
Over the world the Moon shall reign
A change comes when it calls my name
And my mind shall stay the same
Conscious thought, but instincts wild
The pack-mother welcomes her new child
My siblings in the hunt and prowl
Pack-brothers and sisters shall meet me and howl
And I shall change under midnight's cowl

I will know the tongue of my family
We will sing, hunt, and run free
Senses give a second sight
So I can find prey under cover of night
My wolf form stronger in every way
And I return to my normal form by day
I shall have magic in my fang
So I can change any woman or man
And packs will be born across the land

Eventually I will gain full power
I may choose to change at any hour
After a while all will be freed
To change back and forth as they need
And when they don't need the moon to change their form
It will no longer cause them to transform
And wolf packs will grow as more werewolves are born
All brothers and sisters, whether born wolves or reborn
To the moon and our packs forever sworn.

By the sun, the moon and the power of three,
Stars and spirits and powers that be,
Wolves of the forests that listen to me,
This is my will, so mote it be.''

If your body part could be choked on, remove it now. Anoint the representation of the wolf with the liquid you prepared, then anoint yourself. Touch your left hand to each of the four elements, then to the wolf, to your heart, and to the liquid. Now drink the rest of it, and sprinkle salt in the bottom of the bowl. Close the circle in any way you wish, then bury the feather, stone and fire item, and pour the water over where you buried it. Put the containers for the potion and water inside the closed circle, then go inside and sleep.

Added to on Aug 14, 2016
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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You cannot physically transform into a werewolf.

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