Self Thermo Control

SpellsLove  ► Body  ► Self Thermo Control
For made comfort on you as long as in the hot temperature area, or even made you being survive in some area that has unstably thermo conditions.

Casting Instructions for 'Self Thermo Control'

You will need the following items for this spell:

  • None
You will need the following items for this spell:

  • None

This is very useful only if you has known how the air flowing and how to made some fresh air by your self. As in naturally the air was only flown if has two difference temperature from hot into cold ones. So this magic basically has same models, if around you was hot you must be cold and if around you was cold you must get hot, normally it can easy to make, coz all humans has body that can manage the temperature in your body.

So let's start: Beginners, I suggest you must lot practice to get meditations (must be in room, can't do this outside) and learn to know hot and cold by try to touch water (like ice) and fire (can get it from fire that burning a candle).

After you know the first step you just try meditations in some room like step 1 but turn on the air condition or some fan, wait till the room filled by cold air, filled that air and united with them. Just turn off the air condition and meditation again, as naturally the temperature in your room is starting being warm and later being hot.

If you have success to united with the air in your room you still being fresh even if your room getting hot, now you can get first experience to control your body temperature. Practice this again and again until you get expert in this and has ability to controlling your temperature at outdoor.

After you get expert you can practice in outdoor and try it meditated by open the eyes, so in magically you not also can control the temperature of your body but also the air that can made your body being fresh even in hot or cold temperature.


Added to on Aug 19, 2016
Last edited on Dec 23, 2017
Part of the Spell Casters Library.


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You can charge/ground the energy in your body to feel warmer or cooler, but it will not save you in a life or death situation. Furthermore, you cannot will a heatwave to instantly stop because you did some basic energy work.

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